Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Week 1

Topic 1: Who's Who in BA 223

I am taking this class to wrap up my Graphic Design degree at LBCC. Lewis Franklin recommended this class as an alternative to Figure Drawing, which I have no interest in. I have previously completed a BA through the University of Oregon in Journalism with a communications focus and a business minor. I thought a marketing class would be helpful in my professional life. My family owns Mazama Brewing here in Corvallis, and I do a lot of our existing marketing. Outside of the one marketing class I took at Oregon for my Business Minor, I don't have much formal education on the topic and am really looking to broaden my formal knowledge. I am looking forward to learning techniques to reach audiences and how to implement a marketing strategy and then to evaluate it to see how/if it is working.

I've always had an interest in design and the media and in my free time I find myself reading AdWeek, Architectural Digest, watching a lot of television. I love food and love cooking at home for myself, family, and friends. I think I'm a decent cook... at least great at following a recipe. I'm working to improve at cooking from scratch without a recipe and using ingredients I already have on hand. I enjoy being active and have recently gotten back into running after recovering from an injury.

Topic 2: Marketing in the News

Who Is Louise Delage? The Troubling Truth Behind an Overnight Instagram Success

This article is about an account on Instagram that grew in a matter of months to have over 16,000 followers. The account belongs to a young, French woman, Louise. Louise is a pretty party girl living a fabulous life traveling and partying around France. The Instagram account is a lot like those of other young and fashionable people making us all jealous of their fortunate existence.

After a few months, the account released a video revealing that Louise was not a real person. Instead this account was created for the organization Addict Aide to raise awareness of addiction and to show users that addiction is often hardest to spot with the people we are closest to. The production company Francise Framboise helped Addict Aide in creating Louise and this account. They had a 4 pillar strategy to get her follower numbers up. Photos were posted several times a day during high traffic times, popular hashtags were used to attract more people, efficient bots were used to like and follow influential people in the fashion industry, and they used teenage Key Opinion Leaders who had between 20,000 & 100,000 followers to share Louise's profile with their followers.

This is a really interesting way to target young people. Everyone is influenced by the people they interact with and see everyday, so the marketing team used this to their advantage. Louise lived a great life and her followers voyeuristically lived that life as well. Based on her pictures and after reading some of the comments, people didn't catch on that she had a drinking problem. Addict Aide wanted to raise awareness that addiction is hard to spot in the people we are closest to, and I think they achieved that goal. Sometimes we only see what someone wants us to see and Instagram is a perfect tool to illustrate that.

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